I was actually hoping for a happy weekend since Monday but look what I've got... The rain poured last night. There was heavy traffic everywhere. I was about to watch Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon with my friends but it didn't happen. Phbbbt.
Today, I am planning to go to Hidalgo with my boyfriend to check some stuff for Raket (his cam). Hopefully we can get this "Reverse Ring" or other accessories so I don't have to worry about my birthday gift for him anymore. Hehe. Tonight, I'll see my high school classmates─some sort of "mini high school reunion" after 6 years. It'll just be at Gerry's Grill Marquinton so it's just one ride from my place. I have no plans of bringing Jetty with me because I can foresee that I'd be lazy to drive. Hihi.
Tomorrow's going to be another long day... In the morning, I'll go to our regular BP Operation. Then, I'll attend the PREx meeting in the afternoon. At night, I'll be attending a Thanksgiving Dinner for my friend who just graduated Dentistry and passed board exams. So basically, she's a dentist now. Prolly, I'll hear the last mass in the morning...
Hoping that the sun will cooperate with me. It's not that I hate rainy days, I just don't like to get wet when I have to go out. Still, somehow, I can find happiness when it rains. :')
Looking forward to some chocolate cake or banoffee pie tonight...♥
I'd like to greet some of my friends a Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! They know who they are :D
I actually missed blogging so hopefully I can do this everyday. Hehe. But you can see me often on Twitter.ü
PS: My mom's Nilagang Baka completes my day <3
♫♪ Now playing on my list:
- Pretty Girl Rock
- Party Rock Anthem
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved
- On The Floor
- Meet Me Halfway
- Dancing in the Moonlight
- Dirty Dancer